"Losers in Lottery communication? Are you guys kidding? No? Okay. Uh, um, let's go for it then. Sure?"
That's pretty much how it went.

The logic was "with the best odds, even losers can win". A beautiful presentation, a great production, lots of self doubt...but in the end, great results for the Lottery.

If you do something that seeks to break category rules, you better have a really strong reason.

TV spots.

Interactive microsite. (RIP Courtesy EOL Adobe Flash.)



Sticker on the floor below the in-store Lottery scanner.

Gift envelopes. The copy on them is: "Dear ______, You are the biggest loser I know. Here's the best chance you'll ever get to be a winner for once in your sorry life." "Dear ______, I'm dumping you. So here's something to help you feel less like a loser."

Giveaway tees. Lines are: "Recovering loser". "Ex-loser". "Stop being a loser now. Ask me how."

︎ mingnaks@gmail.com ︎ paragwrites@yahoo.com ︎ 001 415 490 8859 ︎ New York